Small and medium businesses can get a lot more from the web without expensive new websites, and overwhelming tech burdens. Every business has a distinction that’s created for them by consumers and clients without any work, and markets itself when the business owner or CEO controls it. The problem is, most businesses haven’t got control, and they haven’t got a strategy with the right process to make it happen. Online, a business’s reputation grows and speaks loudly because 86% to 92% of potential buyers look for it and then many write it for them. So, imagine for a minute what it would be like controlling it, and making it grow with 5 stars on demand. Businesses doing this dominate every time. This book is about business owners and CEOs winning with what’s already being made for them.
Wayne Sharer is a lifelong strategic thinker and leader in digital marketing. He’s among the rare few who have spent over 20 years flying from aircraft carriers know the true value of strategy in success of everything. After retiring from the U.S. Navy with over 200 combat missions, he set out to help small business owners and CEOs to dominate in the market with digital methods, and speak and write for impact. Ultimately, he focused his strategies in reputation marketing to get the biggest ROI for owners fast. He’s helped business owners, direct marketers, and non-profits prosper. All this despite debilitating anxiety. He’s proof of what’s possible.